Alta Metralla

This post will discuss the issue of resentment in Latin America. It’s a very personal topic and a very controversial one, and I am sure that many people will disagree with my opinions.

After watching a documentary about Latin America in one of my classes here in Coimbra, this issue caught my attention and reminded me about the level of resentment against today’s “Spaniards” and the “white man” in Latin America. I don’t share this opinion and in fact I’m totally against it. It is a fact that the Latin American region was looted, financially exploited and enslaved for centuries and during that dark period whole civilisations were slaughtered; some of them were completely exterminated to the extent that we can’t even find a trace of them… This happened firstly as a result of European colonisation, but then after the region gained its independence its people were exploited by their…

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